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Check out our travel guides for Barcelona. We have an intense 24-hour guide of some of the best places to see around Barcelona - some of which are much less known than they should be! Also, if you have more time in this wonderful City extend your travels to these four amazing towns and cities just a short distance from Barcelona.

Barcelona is a great travel option when visiting Europe, especially as it is a unique City which also has a beach! The Spanish culture is one of our favorites, with the laid-back atmosphere, siestas, and Sangria. It is the perfect mix to ensure any trip is perfect, whether you visit with family, a partner, or on a group trip with friends. There is something for everyone in Barcelona and the surrounding areas, check out our travel guides for Barcelona to help you plan your adventure!


We spent the day in Barcelona getting an early flight in, spending the whole day and night wandering the city and partying the night away until the first train back to the airport the next morning! It was an incredible experience, made even better by the fact we found flights costing just £8.50 return!! We'd highly recommend it for our adventurous followers!

However, Barcelona has so much to offer so if you do have more time, use it to take in more of this marvelous city.

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