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Safety in Rio - The Pre-Travel Worries
Before we ventured off and mentioned to people that we were going to be travelling around South America for 6 months, most people’s initial reaction would be to tell us to be careful. Or ask if we were scared because of the dangers that come with South America. Especially in Brazil and particularly the safety in Rio.
Even whilst travelling around Brazil, we were warned by locals to be careful because of the dangers around Rio. Additionally, people from other parts of Brazil would have chats with us about safety in Rio.
Of course, we were also aware of the reputation these places had before we left but this didn’t put us off travelling there. At the end of the day, thousands of people travel and live there every single day and nothing has happened to them. However, even with this frame of mind, we found that once we arrived, it was hard to shake the feeling of slight fear. Especially walking around at night or even in quiet places during the day. Sometimes even in crowded places, it seemed to always be in the back of our minds that we had to be extra cautious about our safety in Rio.
After spending a month in Brazil, we must say that these notions now actually aggravate us. To the point where we felt the need to write a blog post just to inform people that it is possible to travel to Rio safely!

The Reality of the Dangers in Rio
Of course, we’re not entirely ignorant. There are obviously some dangers with safety in Rio and other parts of South America. Also, Rio's dangers may be higher than in some other cities. However, almost every city has the same kind of dangers that tourists could run into.
Namely, things like pickpocketing or phone snatching. Not only are these easily done in many cities around the world, but they are also opportunist crimes. These types of crimes are also easily avoided for the most part. The more intense crimes, such as gun or knife crimes are detached from the tourist circuit and are isolated between gangs. In the same way, there are many behind the scenes crimes happening around you every day but they don’t affect your daily lives.
The Favela Tour
After visiting a favela through Brazil Expedition and being shown around by local inhabitants of the Rochina favela, Carlos and Wellington, this only cemented our views that Rio can be a safe place. Carlos (who was a very intelligent man, having fought against the odds and knew 4 languages, self-taught) began by explaining that we were safe inside. Despite this being the area tourists should apparently feel the most unsafe.
He reckoned that people in the favela leave their doors unlocked when they go out. Additionally, there is such a community vibe that you could knock on someone’s door at 1 am asking for sugar and it wouldn’t be a problem. This was hard to disbelieve, as we walked around and both Carlos and Wellington high-fived or greeted every passer-by.

So Why Does Brazil Get Such a Bad Rep? - Is it safe in Rio?
From listening to people who are from this side of Brazilian life, it is easy to feel the pain and frustration they feel about the government and how they have been treated. They see favela life and the rest of Brazil as two separate worlds, as they feel cast aside and forgotten about. As Carlos and Wellington kept reiterating, the real Brazil hasn’t been experienced until you’ve stepped foot inside a favela. With the majority of the population of Rio, in particular, living in a favela, this is probably true.
As mentioned earlier, the locals we had spoken to previously would warn us of the dangers in Rio. However, maybe they’re just as blind to the truths as tourists are. Carlos was adamant that the government use the scare tactic to stop people from going into the favelas. After seeing the true state of how they have allowed people to live, you can see why they might. So instead of seeing the whole story, people sunbathe by the Hilton on Copacabana beach, complaining about the safety in Rio and the crime rate caused by favela inhabitants.

Carlos has been doing these tours for 25 years and has only seen 15 Brazilian’s visit. So are they really any more in the know than you or us?
Don't Always Trust the Media
Of course a local is going to say that favelas are safe, you might say. Pretty biased right? True. However, what we were told is no different to the same government issues, racial inequalities etc witnessed all over the world. Also, just something to add to the evidence of safety in Rio. We came across a guy from England who actually fell in love with Rio and this favela so much. As a result, he has now been living there for the past 5 years! In addition to trying to help the locals to have a better quality of living.
We could talk for hours about the politics and social inequalities of favela life but it is best learnt through a local. We definitely recommend Brazil Expedition, as their ethics are in all the right places. Also, unlike most tours, you'll get to walk through the favela. Rather than just hear stories through a bus window.
We honestly met some of the nicest people we have ever come across in Brazil. People who have gone above and beyond to help us. As well as just get to know us and our culture more. These people do not deserve to be feared!

The Basic Rules to Travelling Safely in Rio
So yes, your phone may get snatched on the streets of Rio. However, not because Brazil is super dangerous. Moreso, because there are a lot of poor people in the city and you’re flashing your shiny iPhone around. Wave expensive items around most people in poverty and can you really expect it to stay in your hands? These people are just trying to survive.
Obviously, just be cautious. Wear a money belt and don’t flash your cash. We can't speak for the whole of South America yet. However, after travelling around Brazil, we can categorically say that for the most part, it feels safe. It definitely seems that people who have run into trouble have just sadly been very unlucky.
Please just don’t let this fear either stop you from travelling to South America. Or ruin your time whilst there, feeling tense. As the country is beautiful and so are the people!
Update: Since travelling the whole of South America, we only heard of bags being taken or pickpocketed during coach journeys and this was only three people. A very small minority to the number of people we met over the 6 months!
Just enjoy!
To get you started on the joys of Rio, here is our full guide to this beautiful city.